"Rocker" Alessandro diNunzio tells News of the World about his sexcapade with Lindsey Lohan within hours of meeting at a bar while she was at the Capri Film Festival. Alessandro is an ex-model/drummer of Italian indie rock band Orfen, who was working at the film festival as a sound engineer.
He says she invited him to dinner, ordered him to kiss her, and then dragged him to her hotel room, where she stripped down to her hot nakie body, which he referred to as "Naked, she took my breath away. Lindsay is stunning. Her body is absolutely perfect. Flawless". He says of Lilo,
"Lindsay was very, very good and surprisingly experienced. She wanted to do everything, every position. She was extremely flexible and adventurous." He also was quoted as saying "I think that's the way things are with Lindsay. But she was very sweet and loving in bed. It was a good sex match." He also said "I never imagined in my wildest dreams we would end up in bed. We spent a long time talking, lying side by side on top of her bed."
He then discovered he had not been the only object of Lindsay's affections at the festival. She was caught being intimate with Italian actor Eduardo Costa at her hotel just a few hours before hooking up with Alessandro. Soon after he left her bed, she was seen making out with Dario Faiella. She spent the next two nights with him. Alessandro said: "I don't think I will see her again now that I have learned that she was seeing other guys at the same time as she was seeing me.
Hmm..I wonder why he kissed and told...err, well, kissed and SOLD that story. Revenge is sweet...
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