Rumor had it there was a Tiffany Pollard sex tape going round, which has been denied, of course. She spoke with People about the situation and Tailor Made's response.
She says “I told him what happened and he said, ‘I stand by you.’ He didn’t question me. He helped me relax about it. I was floored. I thought, ‘I have to clear this up.’ It saddened me as a woman and as a black woman. I feel violated because it’s not me. If that were me, I would stand by it. They crossed the line.”
“I’m not going to let this (put) me in a state of being sad or feeling beaten up. I’m gonna be a big girl about it. I’m gonna stay strong. It’s a disgusting thing to have to go through.”
1 comment:
New York Please...Stop the Drama got a message for you and your momma at VH1.com....SugaRR ReDD
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